In the mid 1700's New England was very prosperous. Benjamin Franklin wrote:
"There was abundance in the colonies, and peace was reigning on every border. It was difficult, and even impossible, to find a happier and more prosperous nation on all the surface of the globe. Comfort was prevailing in every home. The people, in general, kept the highest moral standards, and education was widely spread."
While representing the interest of the colonies over in England, he saw the reality, very clearly, of a debt based slavery money system.
"The streets are covered with beggars and tramps."
Questioning his rich associates in England, he asked how the country of England could have such terrible poverty among its working classes, yet be so wealthy?
Their answer was that England had too many workers. They claimed they were already overburdened with taxes, and couldn't contribute anything else to cover their poor and actually believed that wars and plague were required to rid the country from man-power surpluses.
While discussing the differences they asked Franklin how the American colonies were able to collect enough money to support their poor houses, and how England could overcome their plague of pauperism. Franklin replied:
"We have no poor houses in the colonies; and if we had some, there would be nobody to put in them, since there is, in the colonies,not a single unemployed person, neither beggars nor tramps."
The Englishmen asked if he could explain the amazing prosperity of the colonies. He answered:
Franklin Stated that debt free money was the original cause of the American Revolution - and not the tax on tea nor the Stamp Act, as it has been altered to mislead the masses in history books. Franklin, who was one of the chief architects of the American independence, wrote it clearly:
"The colonies would gladly have borne the little tax on tea and other matters had it not been the poverty caused by the bad influence of the English bankers on the Parliament, which has caused in the colonies hatred of England and the Revolutionary War."
This point of view of Franklin was confirmed by great Statesmen of his era: John Adams, Jefferson, and several others. A remarkable English historian, John T. Wells, wrote, speaking of the money of the colonies, the Colonial Scrip:
"It was the monetary system under which America's colonies flourished to such an extent that Edmund Burke was able to write about them: 'Nothing in the history of the world resembles their progress. It was a sound and beneficial system, and its effects led to the happiness of the people.' "
John T. Wells adds:
"In a bad hour, the British Parliament took away from America its representative money, forbade any further issue of bills of credit, these bills ceasing to be legal tender, and ordered that all taxes should be paid in coins. Consider now the consequences: this restriction of the medium of exchange paralyzed all the industrial energies of the people. Ruin took place in these once flourishing colonies; most rigorous distress visited every family and every business, discontent became desperation, and reached a point, to use the words of Dr. Johnson, when human nature rises up and asserts its rights."
Gouverneur Morris, the principal assistant to Robert Morris, Superintendent of Finance for the United States, to whom he was unrelated, Stated:
"The rich will strive to establish their dominion and enslave the rest. They always did. They always will... They will have the same effect here as elsewhere, if we do not, by (the power of) government, keep them in their proper spheres."
The Constitution (a bankruptcy compact) designated and limited the powers of the newly established national Confederate Government and restricted its venue to a district not exceeding 10 miles square and areas purchased for forts, magazines, arsenals, dockyards, and other needful buildings.
"The Constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrain the people, it is an instrument for the [States] people to restrain the government."
Patrick Henry
The judge in the Padleford case Stated:
"But, indeed, no private person has a right to complain, by suit in court, on the ground of a breach of the Constitution. The Constitution, it is true, is a compact, but he is not a party to it. The states are the parties to it. And they may complain. If they do, they are entitled to redress. Or they may waive the right to complain."
Padelford, Fay & Co. vs. The Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah, Georgia.
He [Patrick Henry] boycotted the Constitutional Convention of 1787 because, as he so eloquently put it:
"I smell a rat."
And suspected the worst:
This bill established the Rothschild privately owned First Bank of the United States. This central bank was tenured by a charter of 20 years which expired in 1811.
Just one year after Mayer Amschel Rothschild had uttered his infamous...
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who makes the laws."
John Adams' presidency was from March 4, 1797 through March 4, 1801.
He is quoted as saying in 1826:
"There are two ways to conquer and enslave a nation. One is by the sword. The other is by debt."
Thomas Jefferson's presidency was from March 4, 1801 through March 4, 1809. Before leaving office in the debate over the re-charter of the Bank Bill Jefferson Stated:
"If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs."
He was also quoted as saying:
"I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies."
As well as:
"The modern theory of the perpetuation of debt has drenched the earth with blood, and crushed its inhabitants under burdens ever accumulating."
It is believed that Nathan Rothschild threatened then President James Madison in 1811 with a "most disastrous war" if Congress did not renew the charter of the privately controlled central bank. Under popular pressure of free American Nationals whom knew the disasters of such banking schemes, Congress rejected the renewal of this charter.
He spoke out against the privately owned central bank stating:
"History records that the money changers have used every form of abuse, intrigue, deceit, and violent means possible to maintain their control over governments by controlling money and its issuance."
Andrew Jackson's presidency was from March 4, 1829 through March 4, 1837. In 1828 however, an ardent and avowed opponent of the central banking concept, Andrew Jackson, was elected President. Jackson was determined to kill the Bank. He led a popular campaign proclaiming he would do so which resonated with the American public, whom after 12 years of manipulation had had enough.
The Bank's 20 year charter didn't come up for renewal until 1836, which would be the last year of his second term, if he could survive that long. During his first term, Jackson contented himself with rooting out the Bank's many minions from government service. He fired over 2,000 of 11,000 government employees.
He Stated vehemently:
"The bold effort the present (central) bank had made to control the government... are but premonitions of the fate that await the American people should they be deluded into a perpetuation of this institution or the establishment of another like it."
"If Congress has the right under the Constitution to issue paper money, it was given to be used by themselves, not to be delegated to individuals or corporations."
"I am one of those who do not believe that a national debt is a national blessing, but rather a curse to a republic; inasmuch as it is calculated to raise around the administration a moneyed aristocracy dangerous to the liberties of the country."
Despite his Presidential victory, Jackson knew the battle was only beginning, stating:
"The hydra of corruption is only scotched, not dead."
Jackson fired two successive Secretaries of Treasury after ordering them to withdraw the government's funds from the Second Bank and start depositing them in State banks. His third Secretay of Treasury began doing so on October 1, 1833.
The elated Jackson said:
"I have a chain. I'm ready with screws to draw every tooth and then the stumps."
Biddle Stated:
"This worthy President thinks that because he has scalped Indians and imprisoned Judges, he is to have his way with the Bank. He is mistaken."
"Nothing but widespread suffering will produce any effect on Congress. Our only safety is in pursuing a steady course of firm restriction - and I have no doubt that such a course will ultimately lead to restoration of the currency and the recharter of the Bank."
From the original minutes of the Philadelphia bankers sent to meet with President Jackson February 1834:
"Gentlemen, I have had men watching you for a long time and I am convinced that you have used the funds of the bank to speculate in the breadstuffs of the country."
"When you won, you divided the profits amongst you, and when you lost, you charged it to the bank. You tell me that if I take the deposits from the bank and annul its charter, I shall ruin ten thousand families. That may be true, gentlemen, but that is your sin! Should I let you go on, you will ruin fifty thousand families, and that would be my sin! You are a den of vipers and thieves." (bringing his fist down on the table) "I will rout you out."
Biddle was soon tried for fraud and died before being convicted. When Andrew Jackson was asked his greatest accomplishment he replied:
"I killed the bank."
Zachary Taylor's presidency was from March 4, 1849 through July 9, 1850. President Zachary Taylor opposed the creation of a new Private Central Bank, owing to the historical abuses of the First and Second Banks of the United States. He Stated:
"The idea of a national bank is dead, and will not be revived in my time." And: "In the discharge of duties my guide will be the Constitution, which I this day swear to preserve, protect, and defend."
One Rothschild family biography mentions a London meeting where an "International Banking Syndicate" decided to pit the American North against the South as part of a "divide and conquer"strategy. German Chancellor Otto von Bismarck once Stated:
"The division of the United States into federations of equal force was decided long before the Civil War."
"The few who understand the system will either be so interested in its profits or be so dependent upon its favours that there will be no opposition from that class, while on the other hand, the great body of people, mentally incapable of comprehending the tremendous advantage that capital derives from the system, will bear its burdens without complaint, and perhaps without even suspecting that the system is inimical to their interests."
The Rothschild brothers of London writing to associates in New York, 1863President James Buchanan opposed a privately owned central bank. Suffered from arsenic poisoning whereas thirty eight other people at the banquet died. President James Buchanan survived the poisoning he was a trusted friend of Andrew Jackson and exposed unconstitutional schemes of the Bank of the United States.
He was quoted saying:
"To avoid entangling alliances has been a maxim of our policy ever since the days of Washington, and its wisdom no one will attempt to dispute."
"There is nothing stable but Heaven and the Constitution."
"The distribution of patronage of the government is by far the most disagreeable duty of the President."
"Abstract propositions should never be discussed by a legislative body."
President Lincoln needed money to finance the Civil War, and the international bankers offered him loans at 24-36% interest. Lincoln balked at their demands because he didn't want to plunge the nation into such a huge debt. Lincoln approached Congress about passing a law to authorize the printing of U.S. Treasury Notes. Lincoln said:
"We gave the people of this Republic the greatest blessing they ever had - their own paper money to pay their debts..."
Shortly after that happened, "The London Times" printed the following:
"If that mischievous financial policy, which had its origin in the North American Republic, should become indurated down to a fixture, then that government will furnish its own money without cost. It will pay off debts and be without a debt."
"It will have all the money necessary to carry on its commerce. It will become prosperous beyond precedent in the history of the civilized governments of the world. The brains and the wealth of all countries will go to North America. That government must be destroyed, or it will destroy every monarchy on the globe."
There was a prevailing notion (created and propagandized by the banking elite) that some system was necessary to stabilize U.S. currency. The National Banking Act of 1864 provided some remedial effect on economic stabilization, but bank failures and financial panic (a product of deliberate manipulation of the money supply) produced widespread anxiety about the future of the American economy.
Afterward, Lincoln warned the American people:
"The money power preys upon the nation in time of peace and conspires against it in times of adversity. It is more despotic than monarchy, more insolent than autocracy, more selfish than bureaucracy. I see in the near future a crisis approaching that unnerves me, and causes me to tremble for the safety of our country. Corporations have been enthroned, an era of corruption will follow, and the money power of the country will endeavor to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of the people, until the wealth is aggregated in a few hands, and the republic is destroyed."
As Charles Evans Hughes, Governor of New York and twice appointed Justice of the Supreme Court said:
"The Constitution is whatever the Supreme Court says it is."
This is as frank an assessment of the true situation as you will ever get from a government official.
George Bush said practically the same thing when he declared:
"The Constitution is just a piece of paper."
"...the Northwest Ordinance shows why the Federal Government has no legal jurisdiction over any territory but that which is owned by the United States of America, Inc. ...The fact is, the Constitution, for all practical purposes, annuls the Declaration of Independence."
Lawrence BergErnest drafted the legislation himself, which came into law with the passing of the Coinage Act, effectively stopping the minting of silver that year. Here's what he said about his trip, obviously pleased with himself.
"I went to America in the winter of 1872-73, authorized to secure, if I could, the passage of a bill demonetizing silver. It was in the interest of those I represented - the governors of the Bank of England - to have it done. By 1873, gold coins were the only form of coin money."
Within three years, with 30% of the work force unemployed, the American people began to harken back to the days of silver backed money and the greenbacks. The U.S. Silver Commission was set up to study the problem and responded with telling history:
"The disaster of the Dark Ages was caused by decreasing money and falling prices... Without money, civilization could not have had a beginning, and with a diminishing supply, it must languish and unless relieved, finally perish. At the Christian era the metallic money of the Roman Empire amounted to $1.8 Billion. By the end of the fifteenth century it had shrunk to less than $200 Million. History records no other such disastrous transition as that from the Roman Empire to the Dark Ages..."
United States Silver Commission While they obviously could see the problems being caused by the restricted money supply, this declaration did little to help the problem, and in 1877 riots broke out all over the country. The bank's response was to do nothing except to campaign against the idea that greenbacks should be reissued. The American Bankers Association secretary James Buel expressed the bankers attitude well in a letter to fellow members of the association.
He wrote:
"It is advisable to do all in your power to sustain such prominent daily and weekly newspapers, especially the Agricultural and Religious Press, as will oppose the greenback issue of paper money and that you will also withhold patronage from all applicants who are not willing to oppose the government issue of money. To repeal the Act creating bank notes, or to restore to circulation the government issue of money will be to provide the people with money and will therefore seriously affect our individual profits as bankers and lenders. See your congressman at once and engage him to support our interest that we may control legislation."
James A. Garfield's presidency was from March 5, 1881 through September 19, 1881. James Garfield became President with a firm grasp of where the problem lay. He Stated:
"The chief duty of the National Government in connection with the currency of the country is to coin money and declare its value. Grave doubts have been entertained whether Congress is authorized by the Constitution to make any form of paper money legal tender. The present issue of United States notes has been sustained by the necessities of war; but such paper should depend for its value and currency upon its convenience in use and its prompt redemption in coin at the will of the holder, and not upon its compulsory circulation. These notes are not money, but promises to pay money. If the holders demand it, the promise should be kept."
"By the experience of commercial nations in all ages it has been found that gold and silver afford the only safe foundation for a monetary system. Confusion has recently been created by variations in the relative value of the two metals, but I confidently believe that arrangements can be made between the leading commercial nations which will secure the general use of both metals. Congress should provide that the compulsory coinage of silver now required by law may not disturb our monetary system by driving either metal out of circulation. If possible, such an adjustment should be made that the purchasing power of every coined dollar will be exactly equal to its debt-paying power in all the markets of the world."
"Whosoever controls the volume of money in any country is absolute master of all industry and commerce... And when you realize that the entire system is very easily controlled, one way or another, by a few powerful men at the top, you will not have to be told how periods of inflation and depression originate."
William McKinley's presidency was from March 4, 1897 through September 14, 1901. In 1896, William McKinley was elected President in the middle of a depression-driven debate over gold-backed government currency versus bank notes borrowed at interest from private banks. McKinley favored gold-backed currencies and a balanced government budget which would free the public from accumulating debt.
"Our financial system needs some revision; our money is all good now, but its value must not further be threatened. It should all be put upon an enduring basis, not subject to easy attack, nor its stability to doubt or dispute. Our currency should continue under the supervision of the government. The several forms of our paper money offer, in my judgment, a constant embarrassment to the government and a safe balance in the Treasury."
Woodrow Wilson after passing the Federal Reserve Act would later express profound regret over his tragic decision, stating:
"I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated governments in the civilized world - no longer a government by free opinion, no longer a government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men."
Except for Nikola Tesla, Thomas Edison, was arguably the most brilliant man of the age, (although he stole Tesla's work) was also well aware of the fraud of private central banks.
New York Times, December 4, 1921:
"People who will not turn a shovel full of dirt on the project nor contribute a pound of material, will collect more money from the United States than will the People who supply all the material and do all the work. This is the terrible thing about interest ...But here is the point: If the Nation can issue a dollar bond it can issue a dollar bill. The element that makes the bond good makes the bill good also. The difference between the bond and the bill is that the bond lets the money broker collect twice the amount of the bond and an additional 20%."
"Whereas the currency, the honest sort provided by the Constitutions pays nobody but those who contribute in some useful way. It is absurd to say our country can issue bonds and cannot issue currency. Both are promises to pay, but one fattens the usurer and the other helps the People. If the currency issued by the People were no good, then the bonds would be no good, either. It is a terrible situation when the Government, to insure the National Wealth, must go in debt and submit to ruinous interest charges at the hands of men who control the fictitious value of gold."
"Look at it another way. If the Government issues bonds, the brokers will sell them. The bonds will be negotiable; they will be considered as gilt edged paper. Why? Because the government is behind them, but who is behind the Government? The people. Therefore it is the people who constitute the basis of Government credit. Why then cannot the people have the benefit of their own gilt-edged credit by receiving non-interest bearing currency on Muscle Shoals, instead of the bankers receiving the benefit of the people's credit in interest-bearing bonds?"
The founding president of the CFR was John W. Davis, J. P. Morgan's personal attorney, while the vice-president was Paul Cravath, also representing the Morgan interests. Professor Carroll Quigley characterized the CFR as:
"...a front group for J. P. Morgan and Company in association with the very small American Round Table Group."
Over time Morgan influence was lost to the Rockefellers, who found that one world government fit their philosophy of business well. As John D. Rockefeller, Sr. had said:
"Competition is a sin."
...and global monopoly fit their needs as they grew internationally.
Antony Sutton, a research fellow for the Hoover Institution for War, Revolution, and Peace at Stanford University, wrote of this philosophy:
"While monopoly control of industries was once the objective of J. P. Morgan and J. D. Rockefeller, by the late nineteenth century the inner sanctums of Wall Street understood the most efficient way to gain an unchallenged monopoly was to 'go political' and make society go to work for the monopolists- under the name of the public good and the public interest."
Frederick C. Howe revealed the strategy of using government in a 1906 book, "Confessions of a Monopolist":
"These are the rules of big business...Get a monopoly; let society work for you; and remember that the best of all business is politics..."
In 1922, Margaret Sanger wrote "The Pivot of Civilization" with an introduction by eugenicist H. G. Wells:
"The Rockefeller Foundation enthusiastically supported the concept of 'eugenics,' which encourages the reproductive efforts of those deemed to have 'good' genes, while discouraging or stopping procreation by undesirables. But Rockefeller and others were anxious to go even further to mold America's breeding patterns along evolutionary lines."
"It is better for all the world, if instead of waiting to execute degenerate offspring for crime or to let them starve for their imbecility, society can prevent those who are manifestly unfit from continuing their kind. The principle that sustains compulsory vaccination is broad enough to cover cutting Fallopian tubes. Three generations of imbeciles are enough." Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.
on October 24, 1929, the large brokerages all simultaneously called-in their 24 hour "call-loans." Brokers and investors were now forced to sell their stocks at any price they could get to cover these loans. The resulting market crash on "Black-Thursday" was the beginning of the Great Depression.
The Chairman of the House Banking and Currency Committee, Representative Louis T. Mc Fadden, accused the Fed and international bankers of premeditating the crash.
"It was not accidental" he declared, " was a carefully contrived occurrence (created by international bankers) to bring about a condition of that they might emerge as rulers of us all."
He went on to accuse European "Statesmen and financiers" of creating the situation to facilitate the reacquisition of the massive amounts of gold which Europe had lost to the U.S. during WWI. He was murdered by poison shortly thereafter at a political banquet on Oct. 3, 1936. In a 1999 interview, Nobel Prize winning economist and Stanford University Professor Milton Friedman Stated:
"The Federal Reserve definitely caused the Great Depression."
Louis T. McFadden was a member of the House of Representatives in the twenties and thirties. He was the chair of the House Banking and Currency Committee during the twenties. He used his position in Congress occasionally to crusade against the Federal Reserve.
"Mr. Chairman, we have in this country one of the most corrupt institutions the world has ever known. I refer to the Federal Reserve Board and the Federal reserve banks. The Federal Reserve Board, a Government board, has cheated the Government of the United States out of enough money to pay the national debt. The depredations and the iniquities of the Federal Reserve Board and the Federal reserve banks acting together have cost this country enough money to pay the national debt several times over.
"This evil institution has impoverished and ruined the people of the United States; has bankrupted itself, and has practically bankrupted our Government. It has done this through defects of the law under which it operates, through the maladministration of that law by the Federal Reserve Board and through the corrupt practices of the moneyed vultures who control it."
Louis T. McFadden, June 10, 1932At one point McFadden started impeachment proceedings against the entire board of the federal reserve. Not too surprisingly, there were three attempts on McFadden's life, one shooting and two poisonings, the second of which was successful. Although still officially declared as heart failure, newspapers of the time reported...
"Now that this sterling American patriot has made the Passing, it can be revealed that not long after his public utterance against the encroaching powers of Judah, it became known among his intimates that he had suffered two attacks against his life. The first attack came in the form of two revolver shots fired at him from ambush as he was alighting from a cab in front of one of the Capital hotels. Fortunately both shots missed him, the bullets burying themselves in the structure of the cab.
"He became violently ill after partaking of food at a political banquet at Washington. His life was only saved from what was subsequently announced as a poisoning by the presence of a physician friend at the banquet, who at once procured a stomach pump and subjected the Congressman to emergency treatment."
Franklin D. Roosevelt's presidency was from March 4, 1933 through March 4, 1945. Roosevelt was elected president in a campaign which ignored Hoover's Rothschild connections and his World War One record. Instead, Roosevelt blamed Hoover for a depression which had been set up by the Bank of England.
Hoover States in his Memoirs:
"In replying to Roosevelt's Statement that I was responsible for the orgy of speculation, I considered for some time whether I should expose the responsibility of the Federal Reserve Board by its deliberate inflation policies from 1925-28 under European influence, and my opposition to these policies."
President Franklin D. Roosevelt Stated to Colonel Edward House, October 21, 1933:
"The real truth of the matter is, as you and I know, that a financial element in the larger centers has owned the Government ever since the days of Andrew Jackson."
Under orders of the creditor (the Federal Reserve System and its private owners) on April 5, 1933 President Franklin D. Roosevelt issued Presidential order 6102, which Stated:
"All persons are required to deliver on or before May 1, 1933 all Gold Coin, Gold Bullion, & Gold Certificates now owned by them to a Federal Reserve Bank, branch or agency, or to any member bank of the Federal Reserve System."
James A. Farley, Postmaster General at that time, required each postmaster in the country to post a copy of the Executive Order in a conspicuous place within each branch of the Post Office. On the bottom of the posting was the following:
$10,000 fine or 10 years imprisonment, or both, as provided in Section 9 of the order.
Section 9 Stated:
"Whosoever willfully violates any provisions of this Executive Order or of these regulations or of any rule, regulation or license issued thereunder may be fined not more than $10,000, or if a natural person, may be imprisoned for not more than 10 years, or both; and any officer, director or agency of any corporation who knowingly participates in any such violation may be punished by a like fine, imprisonment, or both."
Herbert Hoover wrote in his memoirs:
"...pure fascism;...merely a remaking of Mussolini's 'corporate State'..."
Few people truly understand the words "slave and slavery." The fact is, most dictionaries fail to provide an accurate definition of the words "slave and slavery." Even Webster's 1828 edition of the English language dictionary fails in its attempt to define the true meaning of the word "slavery:"
"Slave: a person who is wholly subject to the will of another."
Slavery is not a matter of being totally 100% subject to the will of another. Any person, who is to any degree involuntarily subject to the will of another, is still a slave. There are no degrees of slavery.
The second part of the 2nd definition of slave provided by Webster's 1828 Edition is:
"One who surrenders himself to any power whatsoever,"
In other words, the living, breathing people guarantee or provide the substance for ALL money that is created. The Federal Reserve Bank clearly States:
"Federal Reserve Notes are backed by the Full faith and credit of the American People."
The mainstream media rarely mentions the CFR, making it difficult to fully gauge its influence. When it is mentioned in the press in a controversial matter or incident, its role is likely whitewashed as trivial or irrelevant. Historically, the global elitists plans to acquire control of the media can be traced back to 1915. U.S. Congressman Oscar Callaway provided a historical perspective of their plans in 1917:
"In March, 1915, the J.P. Morgan interests, the steel, shipbuilding, and powder interest, and their subsidiary organizations, got together 12 men high up in the newspaper world and employed them to select the most influential newspapers in the United States and sufficient number of them to control generally the policy of the daily press."
"They found it was only necessary to purchase the control of 25 of the greatest papers. An agreement was reached; the policy of the papers was bought, to be paid for by the month; an editor was furnished for each paper to properly supervise and edit information regarding the questions of preparedness, militarism, financial policies, and other things of national and international nature considered vital to the interests of the purchasers."
How did the global elitists succeed in their plans under the "watchful eye" of the media? David Rockefeller in an address to a meeting of The Trilateral Commission, in June 1991 thanked the CFR-controlled mass media elitists for maintaining their secrecy while reiterating his agenda for a New World Order:
"We are grateful to The Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during those years. But, the work is now much more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto determination practiced in past centuries."
Freed from having to pay interest on the money in circulation, Germany blossomed and quickly began to rebuild its industry. The media called it "The German Miracle." TIME magazine idolized Hitler for the amazing improvement in life for the German people and the explosion of German industry, and even named him TIME Magazine's Man Of The Year in 1938.
Once again, Germany's industrial output became a threat to Great Britain.
"Should Germany merchandise (do business) again in the next 50 years we have led this war (WW1) in vain."
Winston Churchill in The Times (1919)"We will force this war upon Hitler, if he wants it or not."
Winston Churchill (1936 broadcast)"Germany becomes too powerful. We have to crush it."
Winston Churchill (November 1936 speaking to U.S. -General Robert E. Wood)"This war is an English war and its goal is the destruction of Germany."
Winston Churchill (Autumn 1939 broadcast)"Not the political doctrine of Hitler has hurled us into this war. The reason was the success of his increase in building a new economy. The roots of war were envy, greed and fear."
Major General J.F.C. Fuller, historian, Englandclear.
"The war wasn't only about abolishing fascism, but to conquer sales markets. We could have, if we had intended so, prevented this war from breaking out without doing one shot, but we didn't want to."
Winston Churchill to Truman (Fultun, USA March 1946)"Germany's unforgivable crime before WW2 was its attempt to loosen its economy out of the world trade system and to build up an independent exchange system from which the world-finance couldn't profit anymore. ...We butchered the wrong pig."
Winston Churchill (The Second World War - Bern, 1960)March 1942 - An article in "TIME" magazine chronicles the Federal Council of Churches [which later becomes the National Council of Churches, a part of the World Council of Churches] lending its weight to efforts to establish a global authority. A meeting of the top officials of the council comes out in favor of:
- a world government of delegated powers;
- strong immediate limitations on national sovereignty;
- international control of all armies and navies.
Representatives (375 of them) of 30-some denominations assert that:
"A new order of economic life is both imminent and imperative - a new order that is sure to come either through voluntary cooperation within the framework of democracy or through explosive revolution."
June 28, 1945 - U.S. President Harry Truman endorses world government in a speech:
"It will be just as easy for nations to get along in a republic of the world as it is for us to get along in a republic of the United States."
Feb. 7, 1950 - International financier and CFR member James Warburg tells a Senate Foreign Relations Subcommittee:
"We shall have world government whether or not you like it - by conquest or consent."
Feb. 9, 1950 - The Senate Foreign Relations Subcommittee introduces Senate Concurrent Resolution #66 which begins:
"Whereas, in order to achieve universal peace and justice, the present Charter of the United Nations should be changed to provide a true world government constitution."
1961 - The U.S. State Department issues Document 7277, entitled "Freedom From War: The U.S. Program for General and Complete Disarmament in a Peaceful World." It details a three-stage plan to disarm all nations and arm the U.N. with the final stage in which:
"No State would have the military power to challenge the progressively strengthened U.N. Peace Force."
In his 1966 book entitled Tragedy and Hope, president Clinton's mentor Carroll Quigley writes about this.
"The powers of financial capitalism had a far-reaching plan, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole."
"This system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements arrived at in frequent meetings and conferences. The apex of the system was to be the Bank for International Settlements in Basel, Switzerland, a private bank owned and controlled by the world's central banks which were themselves private corporations."
"Each central bank... Sought to dominate its government by its ability to control treasury loans, to manipulate foreign exchanges, to influence the level of economic activity in the country, and to influence cooperative politicians by subsequent economic rewards in the business world."
As world resources continue to be sucked into this insatiable black hole of greed, if allowed to continue the entire world will face a similar fate. As one prominent Brazilian politician, Luis Ignacio Silva, put it:
"Without being radical or overly bold, I will tell you that the Third World War has already started - a silent war, not for that reason any the less sinister. This war is tearing down Brazil, Latin America and practically all the Third World. Instead of soldiers dying there are children, instead of millions of wounded there are millions of unemployed; instead of destruction of bridges there is the tearing down of factories, schools, hospitals, and entire economies... It is a war by the United States against the Latin American continent and the Third World. It is a war over the foreign debt, one which has as its main weapon interest, a weapon more deadly than the atom bomb, more shattering than a laser beam..."
James Paul Warburg appearing before the Senate States:
"We shall have World Government, whether or not we like it. The only question is whether World Government will be achieved by conquest or consent."
So, on behalf of American business, often with their help, and the international bankers intent on installing their central banks, along with building their NWO, the CIA mobilizes the opposition. First it identifies right-wing groups within the country (usually the military), and offers them a deal:
"We'll put you in power if you maintain a favorable business climate for us."
"Perhaps most disturbing of all was the fact that the extent of experimentation on human subjects was unknown. The records of all these activities were destroyed in 1973, at the instruction of then CIA Director Richard Helms." Senator Kennedy
This is a portion of the speech that President John F. Kennedy gave at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel on April 27, 1961. "The President and the Press" before the American Newspaper Publishers Association.
"The very word 'secrecy' is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and secret proceedings. We decided long ago that the dangers of excessive and unwarranted concealment of pertinent facts far outweighed the dangers which are cited to justify it. Even today, there is little value in opposing the threat of a closed society by imitating its arbitrary restrictions."
"Even today, there is little value in insuring the survival of our nation if our traditions do not survive with it. And there is very grave danger that an announced need for increased security will be seized upon those anxious to expand its meaning to the very limits of official censorship and concealment."
"That I do not intend to permit to the extent that it is in my control. And no official of my Administration, whether his rank is high or low, civilian or military, should interpret my words here tonight as an excuse to censor the news, to stifle dissent, to cover up our mistakes or to withhold from the press and the public the facts they deserve to know."
In my efforts to provide you a transcript of the attached file, I have discovered that the above paragraph is word for word the first 1:26. The next 3 paragraphs and the first sentence of the next paragraph were omitted. I do not know why since I do not know what the editor of the original speech had in his or her mind. The file continues...
"For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence--on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day. It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations. Its preparations are concealed, not published. Its mistakes are buried not headlined. Its dissenters are silenced, not praised. No expenditure is questioned, no rumor is printed, no secret is revealed."
End at 2:28 - This is a solid piece in the transcript but ends mid paragraph. Several more paragraphs of the transcript are skipped and the file continues...
"No President should fear public scrutiny of his program. For from that scrutiny comes understanding; and from that understanding comes support or opposition. And both are necessary. I am not asking your newspapers to support the Administration, but I am asking your help in the tremendous task of informing and alerting the American people. For I have complete confidence in the response and dedication of our citizens whenever they are fully informed."
"I not only could not stifle controversy among your readers - I welcome it. This Administration intends to be candid about its errors; for as a wise man once said: An error does not become a mistake until you refuse to correct it. We intend to accept full responsibility for our errors; and we expect you to point them out when we miss them."
"Without debate, without criticism, no Administration and no country can succeed - and no republic can survive. That is why the Athenian lawmaker Solon decreed it a crime for any citizen to shrink from controversy. And that is why our press was protected by the First (emphasized) Amendment - the only business in America specifically protected by the Constitution - not primarily to amuse and entertain, not to emphasize the trivial and sentimental, not to simply give the public what it wants, but to inform, to arouse, to reflect, to State our dangers and our opportunities, to indicate our crises and our choices, to lead, mold educate and sometimes even anger public opinion."
"This means greater coverage and analysis of international news - for it is no longer far away and foreign but close at hand and local. It means greater attention to improved understanding of the news as well as improved transmission. And it means, finally, that government at all levels, must meet its obligation to provide you with the fullest possible information outside the narrowest limits of national security..."
This part ends at 4:52. mid sentence. It left out:
"...and we intend to do it."
It also skips a paragraph and then the file continues...
"and so it is to the printing press, to the recorder of mans deeds, the keeper of his conscience, the courier of his news - that we look for strength and assistance, confident that with your help man will be what he was born to be: free and independent."
1966 - Professor Carroll Quigley, Bill Clinton's mentor at Georgetown University, authors a massive volume entitled "Tragedy and Hope" in which he States:
"There does exist and has existed for a generation, an international network which operates, to some extent, in the way the radical right believes the Communists act. In fact, this network, which we may identify as the Round Table Groups, has no aversion to cooperating with the Communists, or any other groups, and frequently does so."
"I know of the operations of this network because I have studied it for twenty years and was permitted for two years, in the early 1960's, to examine its papers and secret records. I have no aversion to it or to most of its aims, and have, for much of my life, been close to it and to many of its instruments. I have objected, both in the past and recently, to a few of its policies, but in general my chief difference of opinion is that it wishes to remain unknown, and I believe its role in history is significant enough to be known."
April 1972 - In his keynote address to the Association for Childhood Education International, Chester M. Pierce, Professor of Education and Psychiatry in the Faculty of Medicine at Harvard University, proclaims:
"Every child in America entering school at the age of five is insane because he comes to school with certain allegiances toward our founding fathers, toward his parents, toward a belief in a supernatural being. It's up to you, teachers, to make all of these sick children well by creating the international child of the future."
Ronald Reagan's presidency was from January 20, 1981 through January 20, 1989. Edith Roosevelt Stated:
"Allegations of missing gold from our Fort Knox vaults are being widely discussed in European circles. But what is puzzling is that the Administration is not hastening to demonstrate conclusively that there is no cause for concern over our gold treasure - if indeed it is in a position to do so."
1991 - President George Bush Sr. (father of the current U.S. president) praises the New World Order in a State of the Union Message:
"What is at stake is more than one small country; it is a big idea - a new world order... to achieve the universal aspirations of mankind... based on shared principles and the rule of law... The illumination of a thousand points of light... The winds of change are with us now."
(Theosophist Alice Bailey used that very same expression - "points of light" - in describing the process of occult enlightenment.)
June, 1991 - World leaders are gathered for another closed door meeting of the Bilderberg Society in Baden Baden, Germany. While at that meeting, David Rockefeller said in a speech:
"We are grateful to the Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries."
Oct. 29, 1991 - David Funderburk, former U.S. Ambassador to Romania, tells a North Carolina audience:
"George Bush has been surrounding himself with people who believe in one-world government. They believe that the Soviet system and the American system are converging."
May 21, 1992 - In an address to the Bilderberger organization meeting in Evian, France, former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger declares:
"Today Americans would be outraged if U.N. troops entered Los Angeles to restore order; tomorrow they will be grateful! This is especially true if they were told there was an outside threat from beyond, whether real or promulgated, that threatened our very existence. It is then that all peoples of the world will plead with world leaders to deliver them from this evil. The one thing every man fears is the unknown. When presented with this scenario, individual rights will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well being granted to them by their world government."
July 20, 1992 - "TIME" magazine publishes "The Birth of the Global Nation," by Strobe Talbott, Rhodes Scholar, roommate of Bill Clinton at Oxford University, CFR Director and Trilateralist (and appointed Deputy Secretary of State by President Clinton), in which he writes:
"Nationhood as we know it will be obsolete; all states will recognize a single global authority... All countries are basically social arrangements... No matter how permanent or even sacred they may seem at any one time, in fact they are all artificial and temporary... Perhaps national sovereignty wasn't such a great idea after all... But it has taken the events in our own wondrous and terrible century to clinch the case for world government."
July 18, 1993 - CFR member and Trilateralist Henry Kissinger writes in the "Los Angeles Times" concerning NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement):
"What Congress will have before it is not a conventional trade agreement but the architecture of a new international system...a first step toward a new world order."
1994 - In the Human Development Report, published by the U.N. Development Program, there was a section called "Global Governance for the 21st Century." The administrator for this program was appointed by Bill Clinton. His name is James Gustave Speth. The opening sentence of the report said:
"Mankind's problems can no longer be solved by national government. What is needed is a world government. This can best be achieved by strengthening the United Nations system."
Sept. 23, 1994 - The globalists realize that as more and more people begin to wake up to what's going on, they have only a limited amount of time in which to implement their policies. Speaking at the United Nations Ambassadors' dinner, David Rockefeller remarks:
"This present window of opportunity, during which a truly peaceful and interdependent world order might be built, will not be open for too long... We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis (September 11th), and the nations will accept the New World Order."
March 1995 - U.N. delegates meet in Copenhagen, Denmark, to discuss various methods for imposing global taxes on the people of the world.In their defining document "Rebuilding America's Defenses," written in September of 2000, a full year before the 9/11 attacks, they acknowledged:
"Further, the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event - like a new Pearl Harbor..."
1965 CIA dubs the phrase "Conspiracy Theories" so as to make the general public see those who do real research in a negative light. George Bush Stated:
"Let us never tolerate outrageous conspiracy theories concerning the attacks of September 11, 2001, malicious lies that attempt to shift the blame away from the terrorists themselves, away from the guilty."
What began innocently in 1952 as the EEC (European Economic Community, a common authority to regulate the coal and steel industry among European nations), finally turned into a European super-State. Jean Monnet, a French socialist economist and founder of the EEC, had this in mind when he said:
"Political union inevitably follows economic union."
He also said in 1948:
"The creation of a United Europe must be regarded as an essential step towards the creation of a United World."
Mexico's President Vicente Fox said on May 6, 2002, in Madrid:
"Eventually, our long-range objective is to establish with the United States, but also with Canada, our other regional partner, an ensemble of connections and institutions similar to those created by the European Union."
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