Learn About Debt to Success System, DTSS's Staff, Members, Leadership, Mission and Goals, Core Values, and Our Cause for a Free World Order.
DTSS Staff
DTSS is a safe environment which allows for true feedback and is a climate of sharing ideas. We know that if we believe we can succeed, we will. We look for the positive in every situation.
We cure ourselves of excusitis, the failure disease. We build confidence and destroy fear. We do not gossip! We think BIG. We think and dream creatively. We know that we are what we think we are.
We manage our environment and we go first class. We manage our attitudes and our allies. We think right towards other men and women. We have the habit of action. We turn defeat into victory by setting goals. We think like leaders.
DTSS Members
DTSS humbly began in 2004, and is a rapidly growing force of driven, dedicated and determined, freedom loving patriots from all walks of life. To us every one of our Members is our family and together we amount to one strong, growing force in this cause for worldwide freedom.
DTSS Leadership
DTSS is lead by the "Mark of Freedom." A man of tremendous courage, passion, determination, wisdom and experience for the execution of freeing us from debt, government authority, and restoring all of our freedoms.
DTSS Mission & Goal
DTSS has proudly taken on the vital and enormous task of freeing all of mankind mentally, emotionally, spiritually, physically and financially.
We are doing this by clearly exposing all of mankind to the truth about their New World Order, banking cartel mental indoctrination via school, their emotional enslavement via fear based media propaganda, their spiritual enslavement via religion, their physical enslavement via the numerous government bankruptcies, and their financial enslavement via debt based currency.
Through spreading the truth, re-educating, reversing enslavement and discharging debt we are laying the groundwork for the restoration of the world’s freedom and our plan for a Free World Order.
Our concerted, expanding efforts will constantly and endlessly improve the quality of our Membership Programs to rapidly awaken the population and peacefully restore our freedom.
DTSS Core Values
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