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1922 Globalists Initiate Eugenics for Depopulation

Georgia GuidestonesIn 1922, Margaret Sanger wrote "The Pivot of Civilization" with an introduction by eugenicist H. G. Wells:

"The Rockefeller Foundation enthusiastically supported the concept of 'eugenics,' which encourages the reproductive efforts of those deemed to have 'good' genes, while discouraging or stopping procreation by undesirables. But Rockefeller and others were anxious to go even further to mold America's breeding patterns along evolutionary lines."

John D. Rockefeller Jr., per the advice of Raymond B. Fosdick, provided financial backing for Margaret Sanger's Planned Parenthood movement. Sanger, a feminist and birth control activist established the first family planning clinics in New York City. Several U.S. foundations financed eugenic research, including the Carnegie Institution, which funded Davenport's eugenic studies at Cold Spring Harbor, and the Rockefeller Foundation, which gave grants in the 1930's for eugenic research at the Galton Laboratory at University College in London and to the Cornell Medical School in New York.

Advocates for population control and the study of eugenics include Theodore Roosevelt, Charles Wilson, president of Harvard and Irving Fisher, president of Yale and president of the Eugenics Research Association in the 1920's plus a host of other very public vocal figures. President Theodore Roosevelt appointed Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. to the U.S. Supreme Court where he served from 1902 to 1932. Holmes was an advocate for selective breeding and issued the sterilization verdict in the case of Carrie Buck in 1927.

"It is better for all the world, if instead of waiting to execute degenerate offspring for crime or to let them starve for their imbecility, society can prevent those who are manifestly unfit from continuing their kind. The principle that sustains compulsory vaccination is broad enough to cover cutting Fallopian tubes. Three generations of imbeciles are enough."

Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.

Sir Frederick Pollock, a Pilgrims Society member and law professor at Oxford, was the editor of Law Quarterly Review from 1885 to 1919. He was in close communication with Harvard-educated Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr. during a sixty-year period of time. Researcher Charles Savoie maintains that the Pilgrims Society was closely connected to America's Supreme Court for more than a century.

The Rockefeller Foundation financed what is known as Psychiatric Genetics, a new specialty. The Foundation restructured medical training in Germany including managing the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Psychiatry and the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Anthropology, Eugenics and Human Heredity under the direction of Swiss psychiatrist Ernst Rudin, supported by his trusty proteges, Otmar Verschuer and Dr. Franz J. Kallmann.

In 1932, the British eugenics' movement appointed Dr. Rudin as president of the worldwide Eugenics Federation. The eugenics movement promoted the killing or sterilization of burdensome people, individuals that Henry Kissinger referred to as "useless eaters." Rockefeller funded the Kaiser Wilhelm Eugenics Institute in Germany, founded in 1927.

The Bush family joined John D. Rockefeller and the British Royal Family in sponsoring the eugenics initiatives that gave rise to Hitler's racial hygiene programs. Prescott Bush was later found guilty of trading with the Nazis during WWII.

According to court records, the Rockefeller family and their Standard Oil Company supported Hitler more than they did the allies during the war. In fact, one judge declared Rockefeller guilty of treason. Dr. Gary Glum documented the insidious eugenics programs to create a "superior race," which were initially sponsored not by Adolph Hitler, but by the American elite like the Rockefeller, Carnegie, Harriman, Morgan, DuPont, Kellogg and Bush families.

Learn more here. As shown in the picture above it's carved in stone at the Georgia Guidestones.
